Our Investment Strategy

RC typically invests into companies that have already past the product or technology development stage, and that own unique, dynamic products or technology that show large enough market opportunity to provide substantial growth over several years. RC only invests into companies that meet its minimum investment criteria, have successfully completed the Due Diligence phase and where a suitable exit strategy can be implemented. As such, RC prefers to invest into companies that have demonstrated a clear intention to go public on one or more stock exchange.

RC is particularly attracted to companies that have developed patented products or technologies that can be targeted towards a global market. The patent or trade secret should be such that it provides the company with a significant competitive advantage. If the latter does not exit, the company should be able to demonstrate competitive advantages through unique market positioning, specialized expertise, trade secrets or other means.

As such the company should be able to present in simple terms, through a concise business plan and financial forecast, why it will be a winner and how it will sustain a long-term winning position for investors. We expect management to provide us with a realistic financial model that explains how it will make money, how much capital it requires and how value will be created for investors.

We at RC believe that even a great idea has little value unless there is an equally great management team to turn the idea into a reality. We look for experienced management that has expertise in the company’s core business area with a proven track record and the drive and passion needed to guide the company to success.

We look for viable, sustainable businesses that can be structured for a successful exit. We evaluate the potential for the company to convert to a public company and examine the potential for future M & A opportunity as part of our investment strategy.