
Ratchet Capital (“RC”) publishes reports providing information on selected companies that it believes has investment potential. RC is not a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer. RC, is a private investor acting on behalf of its own accounts and its own share holders engaging in private investments and private, not-for-hire, activities. RC is not a service provider and does not offer any services or offer any investments or investment capital to unrelated parties or members of the general public. RC does not engage in any general solicitation or advertising to the public at large other than to demonstrate it’s existence of the company itself and it’s engagements.

The principal owners of RC and the officers and directors of RC, conduct their business functions as share holders and employees or individual consultants for the companies that partner with RC. As such, the principal owners of RC and the officers and directors of the RC, conduct their business functions individually and collectively under the safe harbor of securities, banking and investment laws that provide protections for share holders, employees and contractors of companies that carry out financial related duties on behalf of the businesses for which they work and are share holders and partners without being required to be registered as third party commercial financial service providers that offer services to the general public.

This website and the documents within it are provided for informational purposes only, and the statements and opinions in the reports or this website and any related documents or any RC documents should not be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security or to engage any investment. RC accepts no liability for any loss arising from an investor’s reliance on or use of any RC material or this document. An investment or loan is considered to be highly speculative and should not be considered unless a person can afford a complete loss of investment. This website and the documents referenced within it contains forward-looking statements, which involve risks, and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in forward-looking statements. For further details concerning these risks and uncertainties, readers request additional information from registered financial representatives.